Investor Qualifications
Must be accredited investors (here)
Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of interest may arise if any party involved has a vested interest in any of the companies, is an employee of one of the companies, has a vested interest in a competitor, or benefits financially from fees or investments. Measures will be taken to address conflicts of interest fairly and transparently. Additionally, conflicts can arise from GSI and all Basket Members mutually sharing in the carried interest. Revere Partners will generate revenue from fees. Measures will be taken to address conflicts of interest fairly and transparently.
Rules Set by Basket Members
All portfolio companies and investors are subject to rules set by Basket Members. This includes minimum investment requirements and the equitable distribution of commitments among all entities. Basket Members may also participate in investments.
Dentistryfund.com, operating as GSI LLC, focuses on private dental technology companies. This serves as our mission statement and outlines our areas of interest. It’s important to note that Dentistryfund.com is not a fund or separate legal entity but rather operates as a business initiative of GSI LLC.
Fund Operations
Standard fund administration procedures apply, including reporting, compliance, and investor communication.
Portfolio Company Relationships
Portfolio companies may use services provided by fund administrations or their affiliates, potentially creating conflicts of interest.
Risk Factors
Venture capital investments entail significant risks, including market volatility, regulatory changes, and technology risks. GSI and its affiliates do not provide investment advice. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Institutional and professional investors may have preferential access to deals and information.
Read Full Disclosures
Please review the full disclosures for comprehensive information here.
About our Data
All figures on DentistryFund.com are as of March 13, 2024, and are subject to change without notice. Data may differ or be contrary to opinions expressed by others. Any charts provided here or on any Dentistry Fund content distribution outlets are for informational purposes only, and should not be relied upon when making investment decisions. We undertake no obligation to provide updates or revisions. Certain information provided here may have been obtained from third-party sources, which Dentistry Fund has presumed to be reliable but has not independently verified such information and makes no representations about the enduring accuracy of the information.
All examples of past investments featured are purely for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect the entirety of investments made on the Dentistry Fund platform. There is no guarantee that any fund will achieve the same exposure to or quality of portfolio companies held by any existing angel or fund.
Dentistry Fund returns data include investments by institutional and professional investors that have superior access to deals and information. Returns for these investors may differ materially from returns achievable by other investors on the Dentistry Fund Platform.
An Dentistry Fund “deal” is an investment made by a Venture Fund, Rolling Fund, Syndicate (SPV), or Roll Up Vehicle (RUV) hosted on the Dentistry Fund Platform.
Dentistry Fund Funds refers to any Venture Fund or Rolling Fund on the Dentistry Fund Platform.
Dentistry Fund Syndicate or SPV may both refer to any SPV on the Dentistry Fund Platform.
Fund managers refers to any person who has run an SPV or fund on the Dentistry Fund Platform.
Investors are any person who has made an investment into a Special Purpose Vehicle, Roll Up Vehicle, or fund on the Dentistry Fund Platform.
Returns distributed to investors and fund managers reflects both investor distributions and fund manager carried interest distributions and is entirely realized.
Top-tier VC firms designation based on internal metrics and is subject to change.
Notable co-investors refers to the investors that invest in the same deals as Dentistry Fund fund managers the most frequently. Appearance on this list does not indicate any affiliation with or approval from those investors.
Unicorns are private companies that have announced funding rounds with post-money valuations over $1 Billion.
Carry earned by fund managers from capital committed by Dentistry Fund platform investors contains both unrealized and realized carried interest earned from investments made by investors who discover the fund manager’s Syndicate or fund via the Dentistry Fund Platform.
Estimates of administrative fee saved are based on internal estimates and market rates and may not reflect actual savings.